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[Green Monday] 為地球的未來擇善而食
Green Monday 2020-05-11 18:35:09

剛過去的422 世界地球日 50週年。在這關鍵時刻,世界迫切需要我們以行動回應。#擇善而食活動得到大家大力支持,凝聚了許多敢於改變世界的力量,那種團結一心的精神正是保護地球和人類未來最重要的希望。

Green Monday就是在8年前的422誕生的,從那天開始,我們所思所作的只為一件事,就是令更多人能擇善而食,選擇對地球、人類和所有動物都友善的飲食方式。今年剛好是地球日50週年,希望世人能在危機中覺醒。Make Change Happen,始於當下。

PlantForward 。

This year’s 22nd April is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. We are living in a critical time in history that calls for all of us to show up for the world.

It warms our hearts that our #PlantForward campaign has received

such overwhelming support, and has brought so many change-makers together to celebrate our united strength in protecting our home planet and the future of humanity.

"Since Green Monday was founded on 4-22 the Earth Day 8 years ago, we have never ceased to champion a righteous, kind and sustainable food system. 

With the world suffering perhaps the worst crisis in a century, we need positive change NOW ! On Earth Day 2020, the 50th anniversary of this most important movement, let's all take real tangible actions towards a better, greener and more sustainable future. Start with one plant-based day ! Mother Earth will thank you. All the animals will thank you. Your body and soul will be thankful too."

- David Yeung, Founder of Green Monday

One planet, one future.
#PlantForward today.
