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[Green Monday X SPRING] 推出全港首本為兒童專設的植物性食材食譜
Green Monday 2019-11-06 16:51:19

適逢10月為「世界素食月」,Green Monday及著名幼兒教育機構SPRING攜手推出一系列活動,包括推出香港首本為兒童專設的植物性食材食譜,部份菜式融合10月萬聖節元素,令環保更添趣味。10月期間兩個機構推出了數條饒富教育意義的動畫,伴隨舉辦多個派對,令所有人都有個環保又開心的開學月。

Green Monday及SPRING於上月22日以一場親子活動揭開序幕,當日有多位綠色達人帶同他們的子女出現於SPRING的活動教室。SPRING的兒童烹飪班在整個10月都會使用植物性食材作材料,例如OmniPork新豬肉及未來漢堡Beyond Burger等。食譜介紹了6道十分有「營」的菜式,包括南瓜雜菜批、彩虹比薩、紅豆饅頭法式吐司、紅菜頭醬素牛肉碎多士、酸薑素豬扒包和越式香茅豬肉丸串。稍後我們亦會公開食譜內容,大家敬請注意!

SPRING x Green Monday #WorldVegetarianMonth Short Film

Children ask questions – lots of questions. Do you know the answers to these? 1. The weather is getting warmer because certain animal eats and farts too much? 2. Do animals have their own bed, chair and space? 3. Do animals need to have holidays like us to stay healthy? Spend 3 minutes with your children to find answers in this SPRING x Green Monday short film in celebration of #WorldVegetarianMonth. With our forks and knives, we can all play a part in stopping global warming and Amazon fires! #SPRINGLearning #GreenMonday #PlantForward #MakeChangeHappen #gogreen

Posted by Spring Hong Kong on Monday, September 30, 2019
SPRING x Green Monday Future Food Tasting

We have been talking a lot about Future Foods and how they can save our planet. But how do they actually tastes? To find out, SPRING sent a panel of 3 food critics to try their burger, chicken nugget and dumpling. #SPRINGLearning #GreenMonday #PlantForward #MakeChangeHappen #gogreen #OmniPork #BeyondMeat #AlphaFoods

Posted by Spring Hong Kong on Thursday, October 10, 2019

Green Monday好高興今次同SPRING合作!歡迎有興趣的機構透過電郵 (聯絡我們!
