GRWTH 日報 才華配對 走進社區
香港冰球訓練學校 2019-08-09 12:45:02

【年度冰壇盛事】 #HKAHC冰球邀請賽 仲有唔夠一個星期就開波喇!

由 中銀保誠資產管理 冠名贊助,獲「香港品牌」認可的「香港業餘冰球會冰球邀請 2018」 將於9月14至16日(周五至周日)假九龍灣Mega Ice舉行連場激戰,除左女子隊伍首度於賽事登場之外,更有瑞典冰球協會派出專業水平球證執法,各位冰球迷萬勿錯過!

今屆除有8路雄獅包括蒙古玄武岩羊毛隊、中華台北A、B隊、日本浜冰球會隊、日本三菱商事隊、科威特冰球隊、澳門冰球隊及香港業餘冰球會巨人隊競逐王座外,更首次增設女子組賽事,中華台北女子冰球隊、日本銀豹隊、新加坡女子冰球隊及香港WIHO Elite共4支娘子軍將施展渾身解數,爭奪后冠!

想感受冰場內外熾熱氣氛,免費入場,記得Mark低賽期親臨Mega Ice捧場喇!





地點:九龍灣MegaBox L10

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Women‘s Division Launched as four teams compete for the crown

The annual HKAHC Invitational Ice Hockey Tournament is just around the corner! Title-sponsored by BOCI-Prudential Asset Management, the 2018 HKAHC Invitational Amateur Ice Hockey Tournament is set to take place at Mega Ice (L10, MegaBox, 38 Wang Chiu Road, Kowloon Bay) from September 14 to September 16 (Friday through Sunday). With tournament cooperation partner Swedish Ice Hockey Association (SIHA) dispatching professional officials to call the games, fans would not want to miss the actions.

Eight Men’s Teams including Basaltwool Mongolia, Chinese Taipei A、B,HAMA Club, Mitsubishi Corp., Kuwait, Macao Ice Hockey Team and HKAHC Giants shall compete for the crown this year. Apart from that, the newly launched Women’s Division also contain four teams, with Chinese Taipei, SWIHC, Sliver Seals and WIHO Elite going for glory on the ice. Grab your chance to watch the ladies play, admission is free. Mark your calendars and visit Mega Ice for all the exciting actions!

【Tournament Schedule】

Day 1.14 Sep(Fri).6:30pm - 11:30pm

Day 2.15 Sep(Sat).7:00am - 11:00pm

Day 3.16 Sep(Sun).7:00am - 3:30pm

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