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【 18 歲天才工程師靠搵漏洞賺36,000美元獎金!】
Cyberport 數碼港 2018-06-27 12:25:37

來自烏拉圭嘅18歲天才少年工程師佩雷拉 (Ezequiel Pereira),年初喺 #Google 網絡管理平台( #GoogleAppEngine),發現一個能夠令駭客入侵公司內部系統嘅漏洞,於是就獲得Google頒發 $36,337 美元嘅獎金!佢仲鼓勵大家齊齊去搵唔同嘅漏洞,認為只要有熱情、夠耐性,人人都可以學到呢啲工程知識!一齊嚟睇吓佢嘅故事啦!

Google has awarded an Uruguayan teenager, Ezequiel Pereira, for reporting a vulnerability that would have allowed hackers to make changes to the company’s internal systems. This marks the fifth bug that Ezequiel Pereira has submitted to Google’s bug bounty program, earning him $36,337 USD. He also encourages us to get involved with bug hunting and believes that anyone can learn how to do the bug hunting. Let's take a look at his successful story!

#Cyberport #MondayEnergy #BugHunting


Google Vulnerability Reward Program (VRP):
